Fossil: 2018 Fall Campaign
As a brand deeply rooted in American nostalgia, Fossil sought to reinvigorate itself by reinterpreting its vintage past through the lens of the current modern landscape. With Fall as the launching pad, I led the reimagining of the brand, aligning with our new core values of optimism, creativity, and authenticity.
I worked to organize the creative process for this season, organizing Brainstorming Sessions, creating a Designer Toolkit, and driving Design Execution. The team created an incredible breadth of work, and once we established a look and feel, I helped provide Art Direction for all Smartwatch collateral throughout the season. This also spurred the global Brand Standards Guide.
Fall Print Ads
Several of the Smartwatch and Traditional Print Ads I designed that appeared in magazines like Elle, Glamour, Esquire, and Seventeen during the Fall of 2017. I also designed the digital dial interface on the smartwatches, along with selecting the background photography used in marketing.
Video Graphics
As a part of the Fall launch, Fossil created authentic docu-style videos showcasing the stories of our celebrity cast. I helped provide the video graphics for the smartwatch callouts, as well as dial artwork.
Creative Director: Randy Saunders | Video Editing: Case | Core Brand Graphics: Sarah Stanley
Retail Stores: NorthPark
Taken at one of our Flagship stores in Dallas, showing how the brand and Smartwatch collateral came to life. Art direction was given for the Windows, Front Table, Front Table Videos, Back Wall, and all Smartwatch-related lifestyle and signage in store. Fossil core brand elements were pioneered by the fabulous Pamela Dowdy and Sarah Stanley.
Product Dial Design & Iconography
I designed the hero interfaces for the Gen 4, Sport, and all Social Dials, as well as selected the background imagery used in all marketing. The layouts accounted for all inputs and coding variables. I also created the iconography used in the Hybrid Smartwatch marketing.
Fall 2018 Toolkit
I'm passionate about creating toolkits for Creative teams so that designers are able to understand the conceptual origin of the creative, as well as easily find what they need to do amazing work. For Fall, I created this toolkit that housed all assets needed to build to your heart's desire!
Role: Senior Art Director (Q)
Senior Creative Director: Randall Saunders
Art Directors / Designers: Pam Dowdy, Sarah Stanley, Blair Garcia
Company: Fossil
Year of Project: 2017